We acquire A/B class Multifamily Assets well located in markets with strong economic indicators. By identifying value add opportunities within each project our team is able to increases the value of an asset through interior/exterior renovations and improving operational inefficiencies.
At the heart of everything we do is to create an outstanding investor experience.
We focus on operational excellence and ensure that communication is complete, transparent and accurate throughout the life of every investment.
Macro Trends
Our team screen a number of economic indicators that provide information as to current market health and any current or future trends that may affect performance of our investments.
Market Selection
We only invest in Markets with exceptional job markets. We look for a deep and diverse employer base, strong employment growth and subsequently strong population growth.
Quality Assets
Our acquisitions team reviews hundreds of prospective properties to find one that meets our investment criteria, after a thorough underwriting and approval process.
Access to Capital
One of the advantages of investing in Real Estate is the ability to source debt capital and leverage returns. We access the most efficient sources of capital for each investment to provide investors with strong returns while always managing downside risk.
Professionally Operated
Our extensive operational and construction experience ensure that we are constantly focusing on increasing revenue and managing expenses. Our ultimate goal is always to maximize value on behalf of investors.
Every one of our passive investors is a valued partner in our business. We believe that consistent and transparent communication is key in developing trust, and delivering an outstanding investor experience
We provide on-time monthly updates on each investment
We share full details of financials and operations
We are always available to answer any questions or concerns