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Best Practice to Vet a Real Estate Operator

We are in an environment at the moment, where many investments are under-performing. In some cases, this may be because of market timing and circumstances – interest rates and inflation spiked much faster than anyone would have predicted, and even the most experienced of operators would have seen impacts from these macro trends.

In other cases, underperformance may stem from poor operations, inexperienced operators, or worse still, fraud and misconduct.

Amongst this backdrop, we have been having many conversations with investors lately on the topic of vetting investments and vetting operators. Based on these conversations, we thought it may be useful to provide a summary of best practices to ensure that you partner with a reliable and competent operator.

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Opportunity Knocks

Are we reaching the bottom of the market cycle? Trends seem to point towards some great opportunities in the short term for those that can spot the trends.

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Beyond the Gloom: Unlocking Opportunity in 2024

While I am traditionally a very risk averse investor, I recognize that there are tremendous rewards for taking risks, and I believe that those willing to step out and take calculated risks in 2024 will be handsomely rewarded. 

The deals done over the next 12 months may not look like your traditional multifamily deals of the past, but there are certainly discounts to be had, and plenty of problems to solve.

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Should you put more capital into your investments?

We are seeing many capital calls being made to investors, where sponsors are asking investors for additional capital to buy more rate caps, for cash-in refinances or to fund other aspects of the investment.

In a situation where investors are being asked for additional capital on multiple investments, it can be difficult to make a decision on which projects, if any, new capital should be provided.

So what should passive investors ado in the current situation?

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